About William Finch Charter School
William Finch Charter School is the Glenn County Home Independent Study program, offering an alternative education option for K-12 students.
A charter school is a non-traditional form of public school designed to spur innovation in teaching and learning. Charter schools are flexible so administrators, faculty, staff and parents have many options in designing an educational program, facilities and budget that meet the needs of students. Charter schools operate under five-year charters, which may be renewed.
William Finch Charter School was established to support the principle that all students should have an equal opportunity to participate in the California public school curriculum, which prepares individuals for academic, social, personal, and job-related success.
The school offers a quality curriculum focusing on individual needs and styles, ongoing evaluation of individual student progress, field trips, student and parent workshops.
Wm. Finch School Offers:
- Parent/Teacher Independent home and classroom learning environments
- An accredited educational program fulfilling state standards requirements
- Distance education, connecting students to teacher and curriculum through computer technology using OdysseyWare and University of California online courses
- On-Site English, math, art, lab science, music, and history classes
- K-12 field trips and activities focusing on family involvement
Every student who enrolls in our school will graduate from high school prepared for the option of enrolling in a four-year college. S/He will have the confidence, competence, and information needed to make choices for her/his future, and will have demonstrated strength and competence in all the areas needed for full participation in the 21st century economy, and in the political, cultural, and intellectual life of our nation and global society. These areas include: technological literacy; communication skills; aesthetic sensibility; critical thinking and reasoning; social, environmental, and civic responsibility; multicultural and cross-cultural competency; and strength of character; as well as academic competency.
Learning Strategies
In the new Wm. Finch Charter School’s vision of challenging learning activities, the curriculum for all students will emphasize the integration of higher order thinking skills, and on site academy authentic learning. In lieu of students practicing discrete, isolated skills (i.e.: spelling and punctuation done on worksheets), the curriculum will stress composition, comprehension, and applications of skills. Rather than treating basic skills as an obstacle that must be surmounted before exposing students to more complex and meaningful learning activities WFCS will provide all student and especially at-risk students opportunities to learn and practice basic skills in the context of working on authentic tasks. Through studying research, we have found that at-risk students need to work more in heterogeneous groups.
Course Information
All Wm. Finch curriculum is common core-based. Wm. Finch uses adopted texts, as well as, OdysseyWare internet curriculum.
Grade Level Requirements
Wm. Finch is committed to providing a quality education for all students. Wm. Finch requires 240 units to graduate high school.
Contact Details:
Main Address:William Finch Charter School
607 E. Tehama Street
Orland, CA. 95963
Phone: 530-865-1683Website: https://www.glenncoe.org/Schools/Wm.-Finch-Charter-School/index.html